DUST OFF THE COBWEBS …. by Claire Meehan

healthy lifestyle

Good riddance to a miserable 2021 January and here is hoping that the “grand stretch” in the evening will help lift everybody’s spirit.  Life has been turned on its head for us all and the privilege of freedom that we had- that we never gave a second thought to was taken from us.  With varying degrees of travel restrictions, loss of jobs, closure of pubs and restaurants and many deaths in our communities from the dreaded Covid 19 this past year will certainly be thought of in years to come as a dark time in history.  However, the much-longed vaccine is now being rolled out and that positivity that eluded us for so long is gradually returning.  There is much thought and talk of travel.  An escape to the sun, eating outdoors and oh! to immerse oneself in the sea without shivering in the aftermath! I myself long to hear my wheelie suitcase being rolled over the hallowed grounds of either terminal in Dublin Airport.  The prospect of escaping abroad anytime in the immediate future is probably unrealistic but, one can dream, and we will get to return to our favourite holiday haunts and maybe extend our horizons and travel to far flung places that we never dreamt of.  The decision of when and where we can travel is no longer a decision that we ourselves can make but one decision we can make is to take some steps to care for our health. Therefore, this month our online bookstore will feature books that will help us to become the best form of ourselves in body, mind and spirit.

If your motivation is low why not pick up a copy of Joe Wicks 30 Day Kick Start Plan?  Wicks has kept multitudes of children, parents and grandparents motivated with his online physical education classes and now he brings us a 30-day plan to help create new habits, keep on track and feel better overall.  Featuring over 100 delicious and nutritious recipes you are bound to find one to satisfy every member of the family.  There are also several brand-new workouts to keep your body in shape.

Most of us love the sound of the sea and since the pandemic hit masses of people have flocked to the sea for a dip on a regular basis.  The infamous Dry Robe almost has its own following on Instagram! Many swear that sea swimming is what keeps their mind and body sane. If you are curious about the science behind this feel-good factor check out Blue Mind by Wallace J. Nichols.  Here, Nichols examines why are we drawn to lakes, rivers, oceans and pools each summer? Why does being near water set our minds and bodies at ease?  He revolutionises how we think about these questions, revealing the remarkable truth about the benefits of being in, on, under, or simply near water.

Combining cutting-edge neuroscience with compelling personal stories from top athletes, leading scientists, military veterans, and gifted artists, he shows how proximity to water can improve performance, increase calm, diminish anxiety, and increase professional success.

Lockdown has given us all a lot of time for self-reflection and time to analyse what we really want from life.  Do we want to be stuck in traffic for hours each day?  Do we need to buy as much we do?  What is it that makes us happy?  Author Jay Shetty’s book Think Like A Monk will help find answers to these questions and many more.  His experience and wisdom are invaluable for those looking to improve their quality of life and unlock their full potential.  Deepak Chopra MD the professor of medicine at University of California claims that this book will ‘free you from the hypnosis of social conditioning and help you become the architect of your own life’.  Have a fantastic February, stay safe and thank you for supporting our Dublin online bookstore.